Agile understanding moving targets to success.
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Agile understanding moving targets to success.
Agile understanding moving targets to success.

Agile means understanding moving targets to success.

In this section of the course I am working through, the lecturer is crystal clear; there is a very defined difference in terms of what type of person is needed to head an agile project. Agile means understanding moving targets to success.

It requires a differentiation between a manager and a leader.

So in an Agile Project, the entire team needs to understand the goal of the client. If it is a moving post – well then that also needs to be understood, and it needs to be assisted to the end point it needs to get to. If the post is moving, it’s meant to move as we grow in an understanding of how our solution can serve our client in the best way… This means it is very much a team effort, with leadership and guidance present.

Management is the maintenance of deliverables, work breakdown structures, i.e. line items and tasks. BUT, what to do when in order to get to the end goal, each of these line items and tasks should be open to changing, to be modified and growing or to be completely eliminated when found to be unnecessary?

A team understands that the end goal is what’s required, and if it means that each individual’s specific workload is under constant change, the individual who is accountable for that – needs to be responsible enough to highlight that change and do what is needed.

All-in-all, I’m paraphrasing.

Either way, Agile is not a methodology for the lazy, those happy to build nothing, while wasting away their hours… Agile is for those who actually want to achieve something, even if you’re not sure exactly what that is yet…

Leadership is key…

So for future posts …

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