IAmNasirene Agile Delivery Framework
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IAmNasirene Agile Delivery Framework
IAmNasirene Agile Delivery Framework

Agile Delivery Framework

What does Agile mean in Project Management?

The Agile Delivery Framework doesn’t work with a straight line like a lifecycle. It has continuous, repetitive aspects which is why it is more like a framework… A framework that ties back to an organisation’s strategic objectives in a manner that produces a positive ROI, i.e. Return On Investment.


Similar to the Project Initiation Phase, Envision kicks of the process. To Envision is to create a vision, which requires a high degree of imagination, especially needed for an empirical project where there are so few known, and plenty of unknowns. To envision is not necessarily definitive, which is why it is not a definition


Part of the Iterative Cycle

A view of prediction, and forecasting rather than planning, Speculation is done using the information you have at hand, and are continually gathering. Risks and Mitigation and Costs with Budget are determined based on the information we continually learn.

Iteratively done.

This differs from Planning in that planning itself is more strict, and expects information upfront which we compare against continually along the timeline.


Part of the Iterative Cycle

Explore the What and How of the User Stories; That means asking what are the end users’ Desires or Requirements. Then we would need to determine How we could go about achieving these user stories. Firstly determining the Possibility of the proposed solutions and then the Capacity via our Delivery Team. “Want and Expect, vs What can Be Done vs What We Can Do…”,

Iteration Layer; Measurable, Deliverable and Conceivable Activities…

Takes place at each Sprint, Iteratively


Part of the Iterative Cycle

Decision making in Agile Project Management?

Review and Revision; This is a constructive feedback loop. It looks at what’s been done and questions: Suitability for Purpose. To Adapt, i.e. Adaption allows for searching for ever increasing positive reasoning, and enhanced value, better ways of completing activities, and activities to deliver value. This also has to take into account Evolving expectations, from the client, and the team and the environment, responding to change in an enhancing way. Departure from a Plan is not a failure. Here we are Maximising Value from the Lessons Learnt.

Versus Planning; Planning would avoid Adapting and Changing.

Iteration Loop.


Speculate, Explore, Adapt are repeated until we reach the point of maximised value. Once we are satisfied, we are ready then to close. We recognise the need for closure: The human aspect, team dynamic, work environment, motivation, burn-out. The financial aspect, the financial ratios of the project, the ROI. The protective project state, our project bubble, with its ring-fenced and limited setup. We recognise when we are at the best point to close. We have to draw a line and say we have finished.

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