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Lecture 7

An alternative to the Big M Method.

$$\ge$$$$\text{constraints to apply}$$

Phase 1: Use only the artificial variables (not including surplus variables), and minimize the sum.

  • Checklist:
    • Set a temporary objective function with the appropriate co-efficients for artificial variables x_6 and x_7
      • going to be Maximise -x_6, -x_7 or Minimise x_6, x_7
    • Simplex it all out
    • The value of the temporary objective function to become “0”
    • Artificial variables leave the basis column

Phase 2: Since the artificial variables are no longer in basis you can start by ignoring them.

  • Checklist:
    • Bring back the original objective function to the last table created.
    • Remember the co-efficients on both the top row and basis column.
    • Rework the table maths for the New Dev Row…